Embassy of Hungary:
Address: 101 Lambton Quay, Legal House, Level 6, Wellington 6011
Postal address: PO Box 697, Wellington 6140
Phone: +64 4 260 3175
E-mail: mission.wlg@mfa.gov.hu
Consular Section:
Address: 101 Lambton Quay, Legal House, Level 5, Wellington 6011
Postal address: PO Box 697, Wellington 6140
Consular office opening hours:
Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: 10:00-16:00 ( except Hungarian and NZ non-working days. )
Appointment is required!
Tel: +64 4 260 3175
Honorary Consuls:
Auckland, Northland
Mrs. Petra Teréz Lipóth
honorary consul
Address: 46 Brown St, Ponsonby, Auckland 1021, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 21 1656837
E-mail: hon.consul.hun.akl@gmail.com
Christchurch, South Island, Stewart Island, Catham Islands
Ms. Judit Tardi
honorary consul
Address: 28 Red Rock Lane, Redcliffs, Christchurch, 8081, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 21 614426
E-mail: hunconsul.chch@gmail.com